6209 Bremner Road

6209 Bremner Road

Williams Lake, British Columbia, V2G4P2, Canada

This property can be sold, please contact us to verify.
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Approx. price(Sep 2022):


Building type: House
Building style: Detached
Storeys: 1
Land Size: 2.24 ac
Floor Space: 682 sqft
Bathrooms: 1
Bedrooms: 2
Parking Type: Open
Basement / Features / Type: / / Crawl space
Fireplace: 1 /

Property Description

House for sale in Williams Lake located in 6209 Bremner Road , British Columbia, V2G4P2, Canada. This House have 2 bedrooms and 1 bathrooms. This property listing building style is Detached. For all the rest of the information we have about this property in Williams Lake , see above.

Looking for a quiet place to spend your weekends This quaint little cabin on 2.24 acres has a beautiful view of the lake and is just a short trip to town. It has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a covered sun room off the kitchen, beautiful landscaping with a little work shop and updated glass handrails around the deck so you never miss that view.

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6209 Bremner Road, Williams Lake, British Columbia, V2G4P2, Canada